Andrew Jardine, the Managing Director here at Atlantic Trampolines, recently spoke to the Small Business department for HSBC, giving tips on how to maximise your online sales this Christmas.
Maximising sales by improving your website is an ongoing process, as Andrew Jardine, founder of Atlantic Trampolines, can testify. “We are continually refining our site and use Google Analytics to see where people drop out,” he says. “Online customers are not very patient. Potentially, every stage has a drop-out point. There should be as few steps as possible between the product page and the checkout.”
The Atlantic Trampolines website offers clear navigation and promotes its commitment to good service prominently. “We keep our product pages clean and simple, and make sure they load quickly,” he says. “We don’t ask people to register before they buy and we offer free as well as next day delivery.
“A website isn’t like a supermarket,” concludes Jardine. “If I can’t find the coffee, I’m not going to leave the store and drive somewhere else. But with a website if you can’t find what you’re looking for in a couple of clicks, you’re going to move away very quickly.”
The full article is full of useful tips, and can be found here.
You may have to buy a bigger stocking to fit one of our trampolines in however..