Earlier this year I did a blog post about films of foxes playing on trampolines. These can be fun to watch but there can be practical problems to this and you may want to deter foxes from getting on the trampoline in the first place. One of the films shows a fox which got trapped on the trampoline, in other instances we have heard of foxes damaging the trampoline spring padding or the trampoline safety net. There is also the hygiene aspect that the foxes could leave bacteria which your children may pick up when they next play on the trampoline.
The obvious solution to keep foxes off the trampoline mat is to fit a trampoline safety enclosure and ensure the zip is fastened to keep it secure. I have never heard of a fox which can use a zip yet!
However, if you do not want to fit a trampoline safety net you will need another solution. We have recently discovered two products, one a powder and the other spray, which can be used around the trampoline to discourage foxes. They work by leaving a scent that the foxes want to avoid. Once applied to the areas around the trampoline the chosen product will last for a few days, unless it rains which would mean another application. However, if you apply the product to the ground under the trampoline spring padding it will be protected to some extent from the rain.
If you want details on where to obtain these products then call us on the Trampo-line 0800 032 5879.
Author: Bob Bounce