If you have just invested in a trampoline, congratulations! Your new garden toy is sure to bring hours of fun to your family and your friends.
Here are some tips for making the most of your new trampoline.
Trampoline as an exercise tool your trampoline is the perfect way to make sure that your children get suitable amounts of exercise. Without even knowing it, your children will expend unneeded calories and build their cardiovascular system as they jump up and down having fun.
To help your children continue to have fun on the trampoline, invent exercises for them to do while on the trampoline. For example, have them practice jogging or develop a dance.
Many children enjoy playing jumping in a pattern or to instructions. Example: call out; “legs together” to tell your child to jump and land with his or her legs together. Call out,” legs out” to have your child land with legs out. These small patterns and exercises are a fun way to spend time with your child. Her or she will enjoy the challenge of landing in a pattern. The variations on the traditional vertical jump will also help your child develop leg muscles and reflexes while having a blast.
Trampoline games “Categories” is a popular trampoline game for children. The rules are the same as the sister-game that children around the world play as they dive off of the diving board in the pool. Simply call out a category, such as “fruit” as your child takes off into the air. Before he or she lands again, she has to call out the name of a fruit.
You may put two children on a trampoline at the same time if and only if both stay seated. This games works best if you have a net on your trampoline. Both children will sit Indian style in the centre of the trampoline. Toss a large ball into the trampoline area with them. The children will have to “jump” while seated to keep the ball in the air. This is a great game to help build teamwork and abdominal muscles.
Develop a dance. If there is more than one child that wants to jump on the trampoline, the rules are basic: each child picks his or her favourite song to which they will perform a dance while on the trampoline.
Each child will also judge the other children’s dances until there is a winner. This game helps to ration the time that each child spends on the trampoline so that the children do not find over who’s turn it is. It also helps children build confidence while they perform.
Trampoline safety In order to ensure that you do make the most of your trampoline experience and that the experience is always positive, it is important that you follow some simple safety guidelines. These guidelines include basic common-sense knowledge, such as
1) never jump off the trampoline;
2) never flip while on the trampoline;
3) only allow one person to jump at a time;
4) make sure the trampoline area and surface are free from obstructions and
5) always jump with adequate light and adult supervision.
With a few safety rules in place, you are free to go wild on your new trampoline. Using games and exercises keeps the experience fresh and full of invention each time. Enjoy!
A trampoline can provide hours of fun and great exercise for every member of the family.
Jumping on a trampoline is an entertaining way to get the benefits of an aerobic workout. While it is a great form of entertainment and exercise it can also be dangerous if misused. It is important to follow the guidelines regarding how many people may use the trampoline at one time. It is not only important because of weight limits, but also because injury is more likely when more people are jumping around. In fact, it is best to allow only one person at a time to use the trampoline to prevent injuries.