Trampolines and trampoline fitness classes are on the rise throughout the UK as it’s popularity continues to grow.
Trampolines give as many of the same toning cardio effects as jogging, according to Merrie Leninger, but without the jarring impact on the joints. A trampoline or even a rebounder (a much smaller version) is like a weight machine and a cardio machine combined.
Trampolines are often seen as something for the children, but this is not always the case as they can very beneficial from a health and fitness point of view.
Jumping on a trampoline increases flexibility, improves balance, helps with coordination and improves the body’s ability to coordinate the two sides of the body, which others ways of exercising cannot do.
As was reported by NASA, trampolining is better for you than going on a run, and you can burn up to 1000 calories an hour. One key element to remember in all of this, it’s fun too.
Author: Bob Bounce